1. Alfirević, N., Mihaljević Kosor, M., & Malešević Perović, L. (2020). Leading Educational Institutions in Croatia: Stuck Between Ambition and Bureaucracy. U: L. Moos, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić, A. Koren & Lj. Najev Čačija (ur.) (2020). Educational Leadership, Improvement and Change: Discourse and Systems in Europe (pp. 19-31). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature.
2. Alfirević, N., Nedelko, Z., & Potočan, V. (2019). Personal Values and Proclaimed Values of the Education System: Results of Empirical Research in the Case of Croatia. In: S. R. Nair & J. M. Saiz-Álvarez (eds.). Handbook of Research on Ethics, Entrepreneurship, and Governance in Higher Education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
3. Alfirević, N., Podrug, Ž., Ban, I., & Gutović, T. (2016). Menadžerske aktivnosti i procesi u školi. U: B. Krce Miočić, J. Pavičić, N. Alfirević & Lj. Najev Čačija (ur.). Upravljanje odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama: Menadžment i marketing u školama (str. 109-146). Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru.
4. Alfirević, N., Relja, R., & Popović, T. (2016). Razvojne perspektive društva i školstvo. U: B. Krce Miočić, J. Pavičić, N. Alfirević & Lj. Najev Čačija (ur.) Upravljanje odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama: Menadžment i marketing u školama (str. 11-34). Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru.
5. Babarović, T., & Blažev, M. (2019). Profesionalno usmjeravanje STEM darovitih i talentiranih učenika. In: J. Burušić & V. Šerepac (eds.). STEM daroviti i talentirani učenici: identifikacija, metode nastavnog rada i profesionalno usmjeravanje. Zagreb: Alfa.
6. Brčić Kuljiš, M., & Gutović, T. (2019). Inclusive educational policy and the democratic context of educational leadership and management. In: A. H. Ingþórsson, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić & D. Vican (eds.). Educational Leadership in Policy: Challenges and Implementation within Europe (pp. 81-96). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.
7. Brčić Kuljiš, M., & Lunić, A. (2016). The Democratic Context of School Governance: External and Internal Stakeholders’ Perspectives. In: N. Alfirević, J. Burušić, J. Pavičić & R. Relja (eds.). School Effectiveness and Educational Management – Towards a South-Eastern Europe Research and Public Policy Agenda (pp. 125-144). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
8. Burušić, J., & Šakić Velić, M. (2019). Određenje darovitosti i identifikacija STEM darovitih i talentiranih učenika. In: J. Burušić & V. Šerepac (eds.). STEM daroviti i talentirani učenici: identifikacija, metode nastavnog rada i profesionalno usmjeravanje. Zagreb: Alfa.
9. Buzov, I., Gutović, T., & Popović, T. (2021). The Importance of Lifelong Learning in the Development of Entrepreneurship in Rural Tourism. In: J. Bacovska Nedikj, S. Lazarova-Molnar, T. Ersoy, R. Svicky & A. Lj. Spasov (eds.). First Virtual Conference of the Center of Scientific Exchange and Education. Skopje: Center for Scientific Exchange and Education.
10. Ingþórsson, A. H., Alfirević, N., Pavičić, J., & Vican, D. (2019). An Introduction: Challenges of School Leadership Policies in the North-Western and South-Eastern Regions of Europe. In: A. H. Ingþórsson, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić & D. Vican (eds.). Educational Leadership in Policy: Challenges and Implementation within Europe (pp. 1-10). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.
11. Ingþórsson, A. H., Alfirević, N., Pavičić, J., & Vican, D. (2019). An Epilogue: The Policy Tide for Educational Management and Leadership Development in Small European Countries. In: A. H. Ingþórsson, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić & D. Vican (eds.). Educational Leadership in Policy: Challenges and Implementation within Europe (pp. 265-268). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.
12. Langer, J., Alfirević, N., Pavičić, J., & Krneta, M. (2016). Intentions and Perceptions of the Entrepreneurial Career Among Croatian Students: Initial Results of a Longitudinal Empirical Study. In: D. Bögenhold, J. Bonnet, M. Dejardin & D. G. Pérez de Lema (eds.). Contemporary Entrepreneurship: Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Innovation and Growth (pp. 213-228). Cham: Springer.
13. Ljubetić, M., Reić Ercegovac, I., & Mandarić Vukušić, A. (2019). Irresponsible/Unmindful Parenting: An Empire for the Media. In: J. Lepičnik Vodopivec, L. Jančec & T. Štemberger (eds.). Implicit Pedagogy for Optimized Learning in Contemporary Education (pp. 270-289). Hershey, PA: IGI GLOBAL.
14. Mihaljević Kosor, M., Pavičić, J., & Alfirević, N. (2020). The Role of International Benchmarking in the Convergence/Divergence of European Education. U: L. Moos, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić, A. Koren & Lj. Najev Čačija (ur.) (2020). Educational Leadership, Improvement and Change: Discourse and Systems in Europe (pp. 89-102). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature.
15. Najev Čačija, Lj., Alfirević, N., & Jurić, S. (2020). Towards an Identification of Critical Success Factors for European Inclusive Education. U: L. Moos, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić, A. Koren & Lj. Najev Čačija (ur.) (2020). Educational Leadership, Improvement and Change: Discourse and Systems in Europe (pp. 139-154). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan / Springer Nature.
16. Pavičić, J. (2017). Specifičnosti marketinga neprofitnih organizacija. U: M. A. Omazić & R. Baštijan (ur.). Menadžment za neprofitne organizacije – temeljna znanja i vještine (str. 73-86). Zagreb: Hrvatske udruge paraplegičara i tetraplegičara.
17. Pavičić, J., Alfirević, N., Vlašić, G., Krupka, Z., & Krce Miočić, B. (2016). School Principals, Environments and Stakeholders: The Blessings and Heresies of Market Organization. In: N. Alfirević, J. Burušić, J. Pavičić & R. Relja (eds.). School Effectiveness and Educational Management – Towards a South-Eastern Europe Research and Public Policy Agenda (pp. 27-48). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
18. Pavičić, J., Vlašić, G., & Krupka, Z. (2016). Marketing škole. U: B. Krce Miočić, J. Pavičić, N. Alfirević & Lj. Najev Čačija (ur.) Upravljanje odgojno-obrazovnim ustanovama: Menadžment i marketing u školama (str. 147-191). Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru.
19. Popović, T., Alfirević, N., & Relja, R. (2019). Selection and Education of School Principals: A Comparative Overview of Policies. In: A. H. Ingþórsson, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić & D. Vican (eds.). Educational Leadership in Policy: Challenges and Implementation within Europe (pp. 59-78). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.
20. Reić Ercegovac, I., Alfirević, N., & Koludrović, M. (2016). School Principals’ Communication and Co-Operation Assessment: The Croatian Experience. In: V. Potočan, M. Cahid Ungan & Z. Nedelko (eds). Handbook of Research on Managerial Solutions in Non-Profit Organizations. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
21. Reić Ercegovac, I., Koludrović, M., & Bubić, A. (2016). School governance models and school boards: Educational and administrative aspects. In: N. Alfirević, J. Burušić, J. Pavičić & R. Relja (eds.). School Effectiveness and Educational Management – Towards a South-Eastern Europe Research and Public Policy Agenda (pp. 107-124). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
22. Stanić, S., Hren, D., & Buzov, I. (2016). Schools, Local Communities and Communication: Above and Beyond the Stakeholders. In: N. Alfirević, J. Burušić, J. Pavičić & R. Relja (eds.). School Effectiveness and Educational Management – Towards a South-Eastern Europe Research and Public Policy Agenda (pp. 49-65). London: Palgrave Macmilla.
23. Vican, D., Alfirević, N., & Pavičić, J. (2019). Croatian Policy and Experience in Developing Educational Leadership and Management: Work in Progress, or a Failed Experiment?. In: A. H. Ingþórsson, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić & D. Vican (eds.). Educational Leadership in Policy: Challenges and Implementation within Europe (pp. 221-244). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.
24. Vican, D., Alfirević, N., & Relja, R. (2016). Managing the School: Principals as Managers. In: N. Alfirević, J. Burušić, J. Pavičić & R. Relja (eds.). School Effectiveness and Educational Management – Towards a South-Eastern Europe Research and Public Policy Agenda (pp. 67-86). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
25. Vican, D., Relja, R., & Popović, T. (2016). Principals’ Educational Leadership. In: N. Alfirević, J. Burušić, J. Pavičić & R. Relja (eds.). School Effectiveness and Educational Management – Towards a South-Eastern Europe Research and Public Policy Agenda (pp. 87-106). London: Palgrave Macmillan.
26. Vlašić, G., & Alfirević, N. (2019). Educational Institutions and Policies at the Crossroads of ‘Liberal’ and ‘Critical’ Theory Influences. In: A. H. Ingþórsson, N. Alfirević, J. Pavičić & D. Vican (eds.). Educational Leadership in Policy: Challenges and Implementation within Europe (pp. 11-26). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan/Springer Nature.