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2. Alfirević, N., Pavičić, J., & Relja, R. (2016). School management innovation and principal support systems: toward the agenda for Croatian school reform. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 29(1), 1150-1164.
3. Alfirević, N., Pavičić, J., Dorotić, M., & Križman Pavlović, D. (2015). Local Civil-Mideness on the Internet as the Basis for Fundrising Segmentation: Sociological, Marketing Determinants and the Empirical Analysis. Economic Research– Ekonomska istraživanja, 28(1), 45-62.
4. Alfirević, N., Potočan, V., & Nedelko, Z. (2021). Students’ values, professional socialization and the mental gap of corporate social responsibility perceptions. PLoS ONE, 16(12), https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0261653
5. Alfirević, N., Vican, D., & Pavičić, J. (2018). What Drives the Perception of School Principals as Professional Managers in Small European Countries? The Case of Croatia. Croatian Journal of Education, 20(4), 1299-1325.
6. Alfirević, N., Vican, D., Pavičić, J., & Petković, S. (2018). Entrepreneurial Orientation of School Principals and Principalship in Croatia and Bosnia & Herzegovina: Psychological, Educational and Social Perspectives. Revija za socijalnu politiku, 25(1), 85-97.
7. Aver, B., Fošner, A., & Alfirević, N. (2021). Higher Education Challenges: Developing Skills to Address Contemporary Economic and Sustainability Issues. Sustainability, 13, https://doi.org/10.3390/su132212567
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13. Božiković, T., Reić Ercegovac, I., & Kalebić Jakupčević, K. (2020). Doprinos temperamenta i roditeljskog ponašanja razvojnim ishodima djece predškolske dobi. Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja, 69(2), 397-417.
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20. Bubić, A. (2018). Prediktori očekivanja o profesionalnim ishodima kod studenata odgojiteljskih, učiteljskih i nastavničkih studija. Društvena istraživanja, 26(4), 499-518.
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26. Burušić, J. (2019). Technology-Based Activities at Home and STEM School Achievement: The Moderating Effects of Student Gender and Parental Education. Research in Science & Technological Education, 37(4), 1-22.
27. Burušić, J. (2019). The perceived school climate in Croatian elementary schools with poor, average and good school’s learning environment. Management: Journal of Contemporary Management Issues, 24(Special Issue), 1-15.
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30. Burušić, J., Šimunović, M., & Šakić Velić, M. (2021). Technology-Based Activities at Home and STEM School Achievement: The Moderating Effects of Student Gender and Parental Education. Research in Science & Technological Education, 39(1), 1-22.
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33. Erceg, N., Galić, Z., & Bubić, A. (2019). “Dysrationalia” among university students: The role of cognitive abilities, different aspects of rational thought and self-control in explaining epistemically suspect beliefs. Europe’s Journal of Psychology, 15(1), 159-175.
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35. Galić, Z., Ružojčić, M., Bubić, A., Trojak, N., Zeljko, L., & LeBreton, J. M. (2020). Measuring the motive for power using conditional reasoning: Some preliminary findings. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. https://doi:10.1080/1359432X.2020.1745882.
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40. Gutović, T., Relja, R., & Popović, T. (2020). The constitution of profession in a sociological sense: An example of sports management. Economics & Sociology, 13(4), 139-153.
41. Kalebić Jakupčević, K., Vučković, Z., & Reić Ercegovac, I. (2021). Learning strategies in primary school-age students: The contribution of personality traits and goal orientations. Metodički ogledi, 28(1), 115-140.
42. Koludrović, M., & Kalebić Jakupčević, K. (2017). Odnos razrednog ozračja i školskog uspjeha učenika osnovnoškolske dobi. Školski vjesnik: časopis za pedagoška i školska pitanja, 66(4), 557-572.
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